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Auto Start Wifi Hotspot on Gnome

Edit and save file nmcli-hotspot.desktop on path /home/aimerneige/.config/autostart [Desktop Entry] Name=nmcli-hotspot Comment=Open HotSport With nmcli Exec=nmcli connection up Hotspot Terminal=true Type=Application

November 7, 2021 · Aimer Neige
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Vala Env Setup

vala env setup When it’s talking to Linux development, there are many ways to go. But I love elementary and want to build some awesome apps with vala. So this article is about how to set up your vala develop environment on elementary os. In the future, there will more articles about vala and Linux development. System Info When I write this artice (2021-7-31), elementary os 6 is still in develop, so I install it in gnome boxes....

October 23, 2021 · Aimer Neige

Enable USB for VirtualBox on Ubuntu

Different from Windows, if you wants to use usb enabled to VirtualBox, you must edit a config file, which is needn’t on Windows. I can’t remember it and search for web many times because when you set it, you need’t to edit it twice. But sometimes, I will reinstall my ubuntu and the config will lost, so I wants to save it on my Blog in case one day I will use it....

July 26, 2020 · Aimer Neige