One Plus Google Play

Install Google Play Store at One Plus Ace2

Today, I buy a new phone One Plus ACE 2. It’s a good phone and it contains GMS which can be enabled from settings. But it did not give you a google play store, which I really need to install some paid apps. So here is how you can install one. Enable GMS From Settings Open your settings app, search google. Click the first result Google Mobile Services. Enable Google Mobile Services. Login in your google account at Google if you want. Install Google Play Store After you enable GMS, all you need to do next is install a google play store. ...

March 15, 2023 · Aimer Neige
wsl play-store magisk

Install WSA With Google Play Store and Root

Install Uninstall old wsa (if you have) make sure you have Virtual Machine Platform enabled on Turn Windows features on or off fork this repo: build it with actions download build result run the install script start the wsa and enjoy it Enable usb debug Open wsa settings, enable Developer Mode copy wsa ip address adb connect WSA-IP-ADDRESS

May 17, 2022 · Aimer Neige

Hello Hugo

Before Start It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post last time. That’s because I often reinstall my system on computer, and every time I install and configure the blog of hexo on my computer is a troublesome thing. But recently, I discovered hugo, a simple and easy-to-use blog system, which can keep me away from hexo, which is slow and troublesome to configure and install. It has a great experience to use and I happened to change a blog theme, so I decided to use hugo to build my new blog. This article briefly introduces how to install and use hugo. ...

August 17, 2021 · Aimer Neige

MinGW Install For Windows

Click here to download the MinGW setup file. Run the mingw-get-setup.exe. Click Install. Click Continue. Waite for install. After install done, click Continue. Select what you wants to install and right click it, click Mark For Installation. Click Installation on the left top. Click Apply Changes. Click Apply. Just wait for install. (May need proxy) After that, the mingw has been installed successfully. You can uninstall this install program. Set the system env settings and enjoy it! ...

August 19, 2020 · Aimer Neige

How to install ffmpeg on Windows 10

Go this link and download a build package. For the version, choose the newest release version number like 4.3.1. For the Architecture, choose the Windows 64 bit. For the Linking, choose the Static. For the License, it’s doesn’t matter if you just use it on local. After selected, just click Download Build. You will get a zip package. Unzip the package to any location you want. I recommend to the C:\ffmpeg ...

August 10, 2020 · Aimer Neige

Hello World

Welcome Welcome! HelloWorld This is a simple test for my first blog article. Mathjax Test 1 $$a_{PI}(x|D) = E[u(x) | x, D] = \int_{-\infty}^{f’} \mathcal{N}(f; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x)) \ df =\phi(f’; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x))$$ Test 2 $$\frac{e}{\left( e+e^{\pi} - \pi^{e}\right) ,\left( - e+\pi^{e}\right) }+{E(\left( e+\pi\right) ,\left( 2,e+\pi\right) )}^{e}$$ C #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("HelloWorld!\n"); return 0; } C++ #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "HelloWorld!" << std::endl; return 0; } Java public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("HelloWorld!"); } } Python print("HelloWorld!") Go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("HelloWorld!") } Hidden Text Hidden Text Mermaid sequenceDiagram Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? John-->>Alice: Great! Alice-)John: See you later! Gallery Yalong Bay No.2, Longhai Road No., Jinyang, Sanya, Hainan China ...

January 24, 2020 · Aimer Neige