Android Develop Data Save

Save data to file save data // This function will save the data of inputText into file "data" as text file // The file "data" will be saved to /data/data/com.aimerneige.example/files/data fun save(inputText: String) { try { // "data" is the name of the file you saved on phone storage // You can change it as you want val output = openFileOutput("data", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) val writer = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(output)) writer.use { it.write(inputText) } } catch (e: IOException) { e....

August 10, 2020 Â· Aimer Neige

How to install ffmpeg on Windows 10

Go this link and download a build package. For the version, choose the newest release version number like 4.3.1. For the Architecture, choose the Windows 64 bit. For the Linking, choose the Static. For the License, it’s doesn’t matter if you just use it on local. After selected, just click Download Build. You will get a zip package. Unzip the package to any location you want. I recommend to the C:\ffmpeg...

August 10, 2020 Â· Aimer Neige

Enable USB for VirtualBox on Ubuntu

Different from Windows, if you wants to use usb enabled to VirtualBox, you must edit a config file, which is needn’t on Windows. I can’t remember it and search for web many times because when you set it, you need’t to edit it twice. But sometimes, I will reinstall my ubuntu and the config will lost, so I wants to save it on my Blog in case one day I will use it....

July 26, 2020 Â· Aimer Neige

Hello World

Welcome Welcome! HelloWorld This is a simple test for my first blog article. Mathjax Test 1 $$a_{PI}(x|D) = E[u(x) | x, D] = \int_{-\infty}^{f’} \mathcal{N}(f; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x)) \ df =\phi(f’; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x))$$ Test 2 $$\frac{e}{\left( e+e^{\pi} - \pi^{e}\right) ,\left( - e+\pi^{e}\right) }+{E(\left( e+\pi\right) ,\left( 2,e+\pi\right) )}^{e}$$ C #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("HelloWorld!\n"); return 0; } C++ #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "HelloWorld!" << std::endl; return 0; } Java public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System....

January 24, 2020 Â· Aimer Neige