Pass Parameters

When you are running a shell script and you want to pass some parameters into the script, you can get the parameters by $n.

The n represents a number, the 1 is meant for the first parameters you pass to the script, the 2 is the second parameters you pass to the script, and so on.

Note that the 0 is the script fine name.



echo "Parameters Example:"
echo "The Script File Name: \"$0\""
echo "The First Parameters: \"$1\""
echo "The Second Parameters: \"$2\""
echo "The Third Parameters: \"$3\""
echo "The Forth Parameters: \"$4\""

Run this script:

➜ ./ first second third fourth
Parameters Example:
The Script File Name: "./"
The First Parameters: "first"
The Second Parameters: "second"
The Third Parameters: "third"
The Forth Parameters: "fourth"

Some special characters to solve the parameters:

$#The number of arguments passed to the script.
$*Displays all parameters passed to the script as a single string.
$$The current process ID number of the script running.
$!ID number of the last process running in the background.
$@Same as $*, but returns each argument as in array.
$-Displays the current options used by the shell, which has the same function as the set command.
$?Displays the exit status of the last command. 0 means no error, any other value means there is an error.



echo "Parameters Example:"
echo "The Script File Name: \"$0\""
echo "The Number of Parameters: $#"
echo "All Parameters: \"$*\""
echo "Script PID: $$"

Run this script:

➜ ./ first second third fourth fifth
Parameters Example:
The Script File Name: "./"
The Number of Parameters: 5
All Parameters: "first second third fourth fifth"
Script PID: 25504

Different between $* and $@:

  • $* return one args, which means 1 2 3 as a single string.
  • $@ return array of args, which means 1 2 3 as a array.



echo "-- Example For \$* ---"
for i in "$*"; do
    echo $i

echo "-- Example For \$@ ---"
for i in "$@"; do
    echo $i

Run this script:

➜ ./ first second third fourth fifth
-- Example For $* ---
first second third fourth fifth
-- Example For $@ ---